Yesterday, my colleague, Tom, invited me to take part in their meeting for planing a visit to China. The visit is a regular activity of their department, Electrical Engineering Department in Friedrich-Alexander University (FAU) of Erlangen-Nuernberg, every year. Through this short and regular visit, the students between FAU and its twin schools in China could exchange their culture and make friends. Tom and another female student is the leaders this year. They will lead other 14 students in their department to finish this job. Tom told me that he is very exciting in this visit because it is the first time he could go to Asia.
The goal of yesterday meeting is funny, they want to design a slogan and logo for their group. The slogan have to be in Chinese. That 's why they invited me to the meeting. Except me, there is another female student from China. Both of us helped them to translate the slogan in German to Chinese. However, it is a tough job because the Chinese slogan is not so good if we translate from original German slogan directly. Finally, they make the decision. They slogan (in English, cuz I can't remember the German version) is: Widen your horizon. Could everyone read this article give me any good translation for his slogan? Both the girl from China and me can't have good idea for it then. We promise to Tom that we will think of it later.
After the meeting, I recall some memory about the friends who was in the groups I had joined. Those friends in the group of military service, of dorm mates and of oversea study enriched my life and made me not alone when we pursued our common goals. I miss them always. So, my dear friend, does everything go well right now? Do you have everything you want and achieve the ideal we wish for? I hope you do because all of you deserve it absolutely!